British Prime Minister Boris Johnson has said he will send more anti-aircraft and anti-tank missiles to Russia-invaded Ukraine.

At a press conference held after bilateral talks with German Chancellor Olaf Scholz at the Prime Minister's Office in London, Prime Minister Johnson said it was a high-end military equipment worth £100 million (160 billion won), AFP and Bloomberg reported.

Prime Minister Scholz, who took the microphone at a press conference alongside Johnson, said he would continue to provide arms to Ukraine without specifying the type or amount.

"Unity is key in the European Union (EU), the seven major countries (G7), and NATO," said Prime Minister Scholz.

Prime Minister Johnson has condemned the earlier bombing of a railway station by Russian forces in eastern Ukraine's northern Donetsk province as "unconscionable", while Olaf also condemned it as "heavy."

Meanwhile, Prime Minister Scholz said, "We are doing everything we can" to increase the use of renewable energy and find alternative sources of supply other than Russia.

Chancellor Scholz said Germany could stop importing Russian coal by the fall and Russian oil by the end of the year, but it will be a long time before it becomes independent from Russian natural gas.

"The energy system cannot be changed overnight, but I know that Putin's war will not end overnight," said Prime Minister Johnson, who introduced that he and Prime Minister Scholz had discussed ways to cooperate in the field of renewable energy.

(Photo = Getty Images Korea)